Workin' Mind Ogima DNA-VP
Gender: Male
Colour: Black Bi
Tail: Naturally long
Born on: August 12, 2018
Weight: 20kg
Height: 53cm
Eyes: Brown
Bred by: Nora Weber
Registration: ASCA/FCI
Elbow: 0
Teeth: Scissor bite
OCD and Patellae: Clear
Yearly Eye check: Clear (+/+) Till July 2021
CEA/CH: Clear (+/+)
prcd–PRA: Clear (+/+)
DM (SOD1): Clear (+/+)
CMR1: Clear (+/+)
MDR1: Clear (+/+)
HSF4: Clear (+/+)
NCL6: Clear (+/+)
IGS3: Clear (+/+)
EIC: Clear (+/+)
Hiplaxity1: Clear (+/+)
Hiplaxity 2: Clear (+/+)
Brachyuri: Clear (+/+)
Canine Malignant Hypertherm: Clear (+/+)
Von–Willebrands Disease Type–1: Clear (+/+)
Daily Life
Super loving & caring. Would even prepare your coffee if he could.
Obedience Training
Very focused, his food drive has it’s own license.
Agility Training
Getting there, loves to go mid Slalom. With attitude.
Herding Training
Improving on that instinct department, that sheep wool tastes so good!
So Mom and Dad told me totally different stories, mom said they dated at first, then fell in-love, dad was “fast” then a few dog years later there I was.
Dad said something about swiping right, one night, condom broke. I love you son but he repeated the word “accident” a lot for some reason.
Biology stuff, don’t know much about, I’m a literate dog. I anyway growl at dad just in-case.
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